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New Year, New Resolutions, Not-so-New bad timing.

Hey everyone!
First off, I'd like to personally welcome 2011 into my dear sweet blog. It's been an amazing 2010 but I am not sad to see it go. In 2011 I have some resolutions, some funny, some serious, but in all I hope to improve myself as a person. So once again it's time for you to sit back, relax, giggle a little, and enjoy yourself a bit as I spill my new found desires for 2011!

1. Be more spontaneous. If you know me, you know I'm pretty set how my life goes. I like schedules, I like knowing what I'm doing, when I'm doing it, and how long it will take me. I am a firm believer in a planner and most anyone could tell you I live out of mine. I want to change this..some. I am not wanting to forget when I have test or when my next doctors appointment is. I do want to do things when I want to, because I want to, and more importantly because I can.

2. I have found that "killing them with kindness" is actually killing me slowly. I tend to care wayyy to much & sometimes that isn't a good thing. I set myself up for disaster because I get to attached and hurt myself in the end when I had the best intentions to be a good person. So I would like to still be a caring person, but finding a balance.

3. This year I would love to excel more as a pianist. We all know I can play, but there are very few things I actually know how to play. I want to practice more, and increase my talent! (simple enough, right?)

4. I have many many many flaws. Heaven knows I am not perfect at all. I want to take some of those flaws I have and fix them. I want to take them one at a time and become a better person. It's not going to work if I try to fix them all at once, so bear with me through this.

5. Balancing my money is a goal I have set for myself. I have a job now(look at simply Shelby all growing up!) and I want to take the time to learn to manage my money. 10% of each paycheck to tithing and with the rest half goes into savings and half goes into my spending money.

6. To go with #5 I want to increase my knowledge of my work and I want to go to work with a positive attitude! Even on those bad days.

7. I want to set achievable goals. I want to set goals and actually accomplish them. I want to stick to my word and be the best friend and daughter I can be. This won't be easy. I have found that being a teenager my mind thinks in odd ways and sometimes I make irrational decisions without thinking. Stop Shelby!

8. Become closer to Christ. There is no better way to end my resolutions! It is simply put, but it means a lot to me. There is always room to grow and there is always room to learn more about this amazing man who sacrificed soooo much for me.

I am ready to kick 2011 in the BUTT! I will finish High School & start college this year and I could not be more excited. I am Simply Shelby & I will SURVIVE 2011 with a smile on my face and a good attitude of gratitude in my heart (:


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