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Good Ole Sundays

So usually my Sundays consist of the same things: church, lunch, nap, dinner, and homework. Today was not the same, and it has made me crazy. So to start off my lovely Sunday, we only had church for a hour. Some of you may know why, but for others here is the explaination. While our beautiful building is being built, we go to church in 3 metal buildings. Only one of these has decent insulation. Since Florida has decided to become Antartica, it was quite cold, causing us to only have one hour of church and not three. Lunch was wonderful, and was quite normal considering the rest of my day. After lunch I walk back into the kitchen and find my mother humming a lady gaga song. I never understood her amazingness fully until today. So then comes naptime. Oh how I LOVE naptime on Sundays. So I go lay down and start watching tv, and I couldn't sleep. GREAT. Then finally after about 2 hours I fall asleep, and wake up ten minutes later. Just dandy. I was not a happy person to say the least. Next, I decided to get a headstart on my college homework that is due Tuesday. I hadn't tried logging into the LCCC website before, which was dumb on my part. So I try to log in, and can't get my password right. So I try, and try, and try, next thing I know, i'm locked out of the website. Fantastic. Now I will be rushing tomorrow trying to accomplish my mass amounts of college homework. What a very eventful Sunday.


  1. My girls like Lady Gaga, too. They take after their auntie. :)


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