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Last night a very dear friend of mine gave me some advice on how she is always happy, and her words made sense. She said "I never want to be unhappy, so it's like I just make sure I don't ever let myself actually get upset by things that are trivial. If there is a good reason to ever get mad or sad then sure I will, but it is short lived and a rare thing." So all day I have been pondering happiness and it's true meaning. There is no one definition for happiness because different things make different people happy. So how do you remember to be happy, even in times of hardship and trial? There are many answers, but for me, happiness is in the small things: Bubble baths, a good book, clear night with a amazing view of the stars, laughter, friends, family, the list goes on and on. Sometimes people(myself included), tend to forget the good things about life when bad things come around. We are human, and this is normal. I think the true challenge is in being the source of your own happiness, and finding ways every second to try and be happy. Life is not easy, we all know this, but wouldn't life be a much easier place if more people were happy? I think so.


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