Dear My "Prince Charming," I know I'm young, currently the sweet age of 16, but I have words for you. I don't know when you'll be entering my life, or if you already have. I don't know your name, your favorite color, your shoe size, or even what kind of hair you have. I do know, that when I find you, you will be everything I need, and everything I don't need. You'll win my heart, but it's not going to be a easy task. I've lived long enough to know that wearing my heart on my sleeve gets me nowhere, therefore, I will not be a easy girl to win over. I would love to hope that you will always love me forever, because forever is a long time, and I'm not the easiest person to be with. I would hope that as the years go on, and our children grow up, that we will still find things we love about each other. After all, that is the key to staying in love. Finding something you love about them each day, that is. I know times won't always be perfec...
Come What May & Love It.