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Lead me, Guide me, Walk beside me.

Woke up. Got ready. Walked to class in the rain. Went to class. Watched people slide all around campus. Check email. Last class has been cancelled. Go home. Get text. Pinnacle Sales have been ceased immediately. Lost job. Cry. Call mom. Call cousin. Cry. Go to aunts. Find relief and comfort. Leave. Go to other aunts. Get comfort and dinner. Drive home. Cry while driving. Get home. Cry more. Call mom. Cry even more. Take shower. Cry while in the shower. Get dressed. Put on favorite pajamas. The ones with the turtles on them. Sit on the couch. Open laptop. Start this blog.

I woke up this morning and my life was perfect. I am attending BYU, I had a great job that I loved, and I had ice cream in the freezer, Really, what more could a girl want? Then the news came that Pinnacle Sales have been ceased and that I should not go into work until further notice. Basically, I have been laid off with no warning. The shock of all this was more than I could seem to handle. I cried in front of my roommate for the first time, and I called my cousin and went and hung out with her and my aunt and my other cousin for a while. Then I went to my other aunts for dinner. I have cried more today than I have in a long time. Life is so unexpected sometimes. Trials creep in just when you think you're finally in the clear. I am luckier than most. I have a decent amount of savings and parents who told me not to worry. Others aren't as lucky. The hardest part in all of this is not knowing what comes next. Where do I go from here? How will any other job compare to the one that I had and loved so much? Will I have to fill out a million job applications? I hate filling out job applications. The stress of the situation is awful. Thankfully, I've been here before. The same thing has happened to me before and something better came out of it. I keep reminding myself that Heavenly Father won't give me anything I can't handle. I am not alone in all of this. He knows my life, and he knows where I need to be. Although this is a bump in the road (more like a sink hole), I know that he is watching out for me. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I am a daughter of God. I am his child, and he loves me. He will lead me to where I need to go. When life is hard, and unexpected things happen, always remember, God's plan for your life far exceed the circumstances of the day.


  1. Shelby! I'm so sorry! My day has been horrible, too. Just know that Heavenly Father loves you, and so do I! You are amazing. You are so kind, smart, beautiful, and wonderful. I say we should have a bad-day movie night together soon. I'll make brownies. Things will get better :) Please let me know if I can help you with ANYTHING!


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