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It takes COURAGE

My room is a mess. I have a cough that is taking the life out of me. I am tired. I am stressed. I am lost in love. I am perfectly okay.

There is simple beauty in knowing that tomorrow is a new day. I am just beyond thankful that I have many more tomorrows. I am thankful that there are 365 new beginnings in a year, and that there are 7 new beginnings in each week. Each day is a brand new day. Each day is the day where I could become that person I am supposed to be. The same goes for you. You have 365 chances to get things right. You have 7 opportunities during the week to wake up a whole new person. Whoa. Is your mind blown yet? It takes courage to be the person you are destined to be. Whenever I think of courage my mind goes back to the Wizard of Oz. What a gift courage would be for the lion. Lions are supposed to be strong, talented, fearless, and courageous. It never ceases to amaze me that a girl in a blue dress with sparkly red shoes could rise up to the challenge to lead the lost to be found. Together they traveled to see the Wizard of Oz. He could cure the lion, the scarecrow, the tin man, and could help Dorthy get home. The story is beautiful and I love the ending. You may be lost on your journey. You may have a missing heart, have lack of courage, not feel smart enough, or feel like you're not close to home. For those of you lost on your journey I give you this simple guidance. Not all those who wander are lost. You may think that you have no where to turn and that life is just not easy for you. Have you ever thought that maybe by being lost you are being molded into that person you are supposed to be? I would like you to remember that you cannot see what the future has in store for you, however, God can. God knows what is next for you on your journey. He has faith in you to know that no matter what journey you are on right now, if you always remember him you will never be lost. You are never alone. So find your courage, listen to your heart, think with gratitude, and know that your home in heaven is never to far away.


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