In today's world people are extremely to busy, always. I have become one of those people. I shall warn you now nothing good will come from reading this post except maybe a smile to bask in my 17 year old busy pity party. Ahhh . Graduation and the freedom of the summer is coming veryyyy slowly. I feel as if each day gets longer and the hours get shorter. How that is possible I'm not to sure. As many of you don't know, I used to have a lot of free time. I loved my free time and I loved not having a lot to do. I remember as if it was just yesterday..oh wait. It was. Last semester I was living the life. I was taking one college class and the rest were easy classes. I also was jobless. Then I got this amazing and fantastic idea(at the time) to get into an AP Government class second semester along with two online college classes. So I accepted the challenge. Then over Christmas break I got a job! I am now an employee at McAlisters Deli & I love it. It has been such a neat ...
Come What May & Love It.