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Tender Mercies on a Bad Day.

I've had two Diet Coke's today. I guess I should probably tell you I had my first one at 10:30 this morning. It's been quite the long Monday. I normally don't mind Monday's. I feel pretty great after Sunday and Monday is a good start to the week. Today was different. At my job we moved desks. This shouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that now I sit in the middle of the call floor and there are people surrounding me. This took me about an hour to get used to because I like my space and I can have a bit of anxiety when I feel claustrophobic. Then I acclimated and was fine with the situation. I carried on and did my usual job duties. I'm a bit of a talker. It runs in the family and honestly if I didn't talk to people at work, laugh with people at work, and joke with people at work I would NOT survive my 8 hour shift. This has never been an issue...until today. I was talking and then all the sudden I get "shh-ed" by the lady that sits behind me. I was sure she was just joking. Boy, was I wrong. I was asked to put together this plastic paper organizer thingy and I was happy to do it. My fingers slipped and I dropped the plastic parts on the ground and it was a bit noisy. The lady turns around and says very rudly, "WOW, who is being SO loud?" Since she had made a few comments to herself (that I could hear) I knew at this point she wasn't kidding. She was bluntly being rude to me. I am not used to people being rude to me. I consider myself a kind person and normally people are kind back. I was a bit upset about this situation. I almost started crying and had to walk out and hide in the bathroom until I could compose myself. My chest even broke out in hives (lovely, I know) as it tends to do when I get upset. I went back to my desk, told my supervisor the situation, and luckily it was already in some plans for her to move desks. What a blessing. So after that I was still upset, but I was moving on. Then I remembered I had brought my Ensign (church magazine, for those who don't know) to work with me this morning. I cannot tell you what a blessing it was for me to read a uplifting talk during my lunch break. I honestly had no idea why I was bringing my Ensign with me to work when I left my house this morning. There are times in my life where I know without a shadow of a doubt that my Heavenly Father loves me. It's through his tender mercies and love that I survive each day. He reminds me that even though bad things happen and people aren't always kind, that I get to decide how I react and how I handle situations. I am grateful for Him and for the love I feel in my life because of Him. I am forever blessed and forever grateful to know that my Redeemer lives and to have the sure knowledge that he loves me.


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