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Remember, Remember.

          Every now and then when I find myself with enough collected thoughts to talk about, I blog. I normally start it off with something in my life, relate it to something that can uplift someone else, and sometimes end with something to challenge whoever might be reading this (that sentence had a lot of "something" in it..oops). So today I will start off by saying how much I love Sunday naps, except today when I fall asleep with headphones in my ears and wake up with them swallowing me. It was..odd and uncomfortable. Any who, Today obviously was a Sunday. It was our regional conference which means my roommates and I drove to the Marriott Center along with about 20,000 other Young Single Adults to hear talks about Christ and to learn more of the gospel. Coming from a town where the members of the LDS faith are small and minuscule, being surrounded by 20,000 people around my age that shared my same beliefs and values was simply breathtaking and a testimony builder. The rest of my post will consist of a few things that touched my heart about this conference and maybe, just maybe, it will touch your heart, too.
          One of the most important words in any language today is the word remember. We should remember  to pray, we should remember to study our scriptures, we should remember to be kind, we should remember to be patient, we should remember to love, we should remember to be humble, and we should remember our Savior, Jesus Christ, at all times and in all places. Can't you see now why remember is such an important word? When you remember to do the things you should, you will develop an attribute that will bring you closer to the Savior and make you a better person. When you yield your heart to Christ it becomes your definition. It becomes who you are, what you do, and the way in which you live your life. Now is time time to refocus your life on what matters most. Take the time to be grateful for all that you have, take time to do service, and take time to really care about others. One of my favorite things someone said today in the conference was when you are praying, instead of asking what you are doing wrong when things aren't going the way you planned, ask what more can I do that is right? 
         I am so blessed to live in this beautiful world where I can feel my Saviors love all around me. I have the opportunity to know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that's something I'll never take for granted. I challenge you to ask yourself when things are hard, "What more can I do that is right?"  Life is hard, we all know that, but with Jesus Christ by your side I promise it becomes a whole lot easier.

                                                         (all the seats ended up being full)


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