Every now and then when I find myself with enough collected thoughts to talk about, I blog. I normally start it off with something in my life, relate it to something that can uplift someone else, and sometimes end with something to challenge whoever might be reading this (that sentence had a lot of "something" in it..oops). So today I will start off by saying how much I love Sunday naps, except today when I fall asleep with headphones in my ears and wake up with them swallowing me. It was..odd and uncomfortable. Any who, Today obviously was a Sunday. It was our regional conference which means my roommates and I drove to the Marriott Center along with about 20,000 other Young Single Adults to hear talks about Christ and to learn more of the gospel. Coming from a town where the members of the LDS faith are small and minuscule, being surrounded by 20,000 people around my age that shared my same beliefs and values was simply breathtaking and a te...
Come What May & Love It.