My room is a mess. I have a cough that is taking the life out of me. I am tired. I am stressed. I am lost in love. I am perfectly okay. There is simple beauty in knowing that tomorrow is a new day. I am just beyond thankful that I have many more tomorrows. I am thankful that there are 365 new beginnings in a year, and that there are 7 new beginnings in each week. Each day is a brand new day. Each day is the day where I could become that person I am supposed to be. The same goes for you. You have 365 chances to get things right. You have 7 opportunities during the week to wake up a whole new person. Whoa. Is your mind blown yet? It takes courage to be the person you are destined to be. Whenever I think of courage my mind goes back to the Wizard of Oz. What a gift courage would be for the lion. Lions are supposed to be strong, talented, fearless, and courageous. It never ceases to amaze me that a girl in a blue dress with sparkly red shoes could rise up to the challenge to lead the lost ...
Come What May & Love It.