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Me + Christ = More

I haven't blogged in awhile. I think a lot of my blogs in the past year have started out that same way. I couldn't tell you why this is so, but it is. As I think of where my life is right this second there are millions of thoughts rushing through my head. About a year ago my life changed when I made some difficult decisions and accepted my life and who I was. 

I often get lost in my thoughts when I think of how I wish I could be more of something. Sometimes I want to be more healthy. Sometimes I want to be more athletic. I want to be more energetic for my students. I want to be more caring. I want to be more loving. I want to be more accepting. I want to be more Christ-like. I want to be more involved with my siblings. I want to be more accepted. I want to be more of a better team player for my teachers. I want to be more this and more that. I want to be more. A very wise person told me to lower my expectations of myself. As an educator this had a huge impact. I set very high expectations for my students and their academic and social success, why should I lower mine? 

I recently read an article that said, "Me + Christ = MORE." When I realized a year ago that I didn't have to be more of anything and that being the best I could be was enough, my turmoil was almost gone. 

I say almost gone because to this day I still want to do more and be more. I've learned that with the help of my Savior I can become like he is. I can be healthy enough, caring enough, accepting enough, involved enough, and loving enough. 

Heavenly Father doesn't expect perfection. He doesn't expect me to be more in every aspect of my life. He loves me for who I am and who I am striving to be. Through Him and with Him by my side I can become more. I can become the best me. 


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