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People say graduating from high school is a big deal. I remember feeling lost and confused and not knowing where to turn next. Then I graduated from college. Not just any college, Brigham Young University. At BYU I accomplished so much. I discovered my love for teaching and through much spiritual guidance I applied for and received an internship to teach second grade. Now being hired on to teach 3rd grade at my same school, I feel incredibly lucky. My parents and older brother, Cal, were able to fly in from Florida. I was able to take a few days off from teaching to spend time with them. I will never be able to replace the feelings of gratitude I had while my family was in town. I felt like the luckiest person alive and I was so happy. I was relaxed, calm, and at peace with where my life was at. I was able to do a lot of fun things with my family in town. We went to the tulip festival, four-wheeling, and ate a ton of really good food. I've lived in Utah for almost 3 years and this was the first time my dad and brother had come to visit. It was really special for me to have them here and to show them around the place I've been living. I feel the exact same and no big changes to my life have been made since I walked across the stage. I am happy for that for the time being. With the end of the school year quickly approaching I need all my energy to finish the Independent Study class I'm taking and keep my sweet students at least a little calm. I can't believe summer is almost here!


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