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A loving Christ.

Easter is one of my most favorite holidays. I love how everyone is more focused on Christ and the magnificent things He's done for us. I am so grateful for Him. I am grateful for His sacrifice. All week people have been posting #becauseofhim all over Facebook and Instagram. It has had me thinking of what I would put after the phrase "Because of him.." Here is what I have come up with. I have a testimony of Christ. I know without any doubts that HE LIVES. He loves with a pure love that is eternal.

Because of Him I am clean.
Because of Him I am forgiven.
Because of Him I start each day and know I can be better.
Because of Him I can be kind.
Because of Him I can be a friend.
Because of Him I have been changed.
Because of Him I know I will be with those I love forever.
Because of Him I can hope.
Because of Him I have faith.
Because of Him I know I'm a daughter of God.
Because of Him I know that some sacrifices are good sacrifices.
Because of Him I have everything.
Because of Him I can progress.
Because of Him I can be educated.
Because of Him the grave has no victory.
Because of Him regret becomes relief.
Because of Him I have second chances.
Because of Him I am happy.

It is a humbling experience realizing how much Christ has done for me. I can't imagine all of it and I don't think I ever will be able to. I know Christ. He's my most personal and close friend. He is always there. I strive to be like Christ. I strive to be an example to those around me. I have a testimony of Jesus Christ and I want the world to know it. Click below to see more of my love for Christ.

Because of Him


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