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Showing posts from April, 2015

Coming to terms with not being a superhero.

I had a meltdown today. Yesterday I found myself in this awful funk. I found myself in this same funk today. Then, I had a meltdown. I don't think I've blogged about this yet, but I found out in February/March that I still needed 3 credits to graduate. THREE CREDITS. Originally, I thought my credits from Florida transferred nicely. Then, I decided to double check with the transfer office and SURPRISE! I found out that I needed the second half of the American Heritage requirement. I am currently taking Political Science 110(aka American Government) through BYU Independent Study. It is time consuming. It is hard. It is NOT what I want to do after teaching all day. Now back to the funk. Yesterday I didn't want to do anything. My thoughts went like this: I don't want to be here. I don't want to go grocery shopping. I don't want to make dinner. I don't want to read this book. I don't want to study for my midterm. I don't want to wash my hair. ...

22 things about me at 22.

I've done this list for the past couple of years. It's a nice reflection of my life and what's going on. It's a little past my birthday now but better late than never. 1. I am currently watching the TV show Chuck and loving it. 2. I teach 2nd grade. 3. I hate winter/snow. 4. Diet Coke is still my downfall, but when I go to SWIG lately I've been getting a Dirty Dr. Pepper. 5. I've become a shampoo/conditioner snob. Only the best for my hair. 6. I've been trying to make biscuits successfully and keep somehow I failing. 7. I teach Sunday School. 8. I get on Pinterest to kill time or to relieve stress. 9. I got a gym membership. 10. I attend Zumba twice a week and I'm loving it. 11. The downfall of working with kids is I get sick..a LOT. 12. I walk across the stage at BYU in less than two weeks, but I don't technically graduate until June. 13. I'm taking Poli Sci 110 Independent Study class so I can still graduate on schedule. Thanks BY...